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FileMaker CDML Reference

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Tag Name Description
-MailBCC What it does
Specifies the email address of the person that should be blind carbon copied.

Value is
An email address.

Syntax example(s)
Send mail using a form action
<form action="FMPro" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="contacts.fp5">
<input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="displaypage.html">
<input type="text" name="-MailTo" value="Keith@Company.COM">
<input type="text" name="-MailCC" value="Dirk@Company.COM">
<input type="text" name="-MailBCC" value="Terry@Company.COM">
<input type="text" name="-MailFrom" value="Chris@Company.COM">
<input type="text" name="-MailSub" value="The Subject">
<input type="hidden" name="-MailHost" value="SMTP.Company.COM">
<input type="hidden" name="-MailFormat" value="mail.txt">
<input type="submit" name="-View" value="Send Message">

Other tags that are required
-DB, -MailTo, -MailFrom, -MailSub, -MailHost, -MailFormat, any action tag

See also

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-MailCC What it does
Specifies the email address of the person who should be carbon copied.

Value is
An email address.

Syntax example(s)
Send mail using a form action
<form action="FMPro" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="contacts.fp5">
<input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="displaypage.html">
<input type="text" name="-MailTo" value="Keith@Company.COM">
<input type="text" name="-MailCC" value="Dirk@Company.COM">
<input type="text" name="-MailBCC" value="Terry@Company.COM">
<input type="text" name="-MailFrom" value="Chris@Company.COM">
<input type="text" name="-MailSub" value="The Subject">
<input type="hidden" name="-MailHost" value="SMTP.Company.COM">
<input type="hidden" name="-MailFormat" value="mail.txt">
<input type="submit" name="-View" value="Send Message">

Other tags that are required
-DB, -MailTo, -MailFrom, -MailSub, -MailHost, -MailFormat, any action tag

See also

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CheckBox What it does
An HTML input type. Used by a browser to display checkbox(es).

This is not a FileMaker Pro tag, This is standard HTML.

Do not include calculation or summary field types on add or update format files, as data can't be entered into these field types.

<input type="checkbox" name="Field" value="Data" Checked>Checkbox Label

Field - The name of the field that you want the data to go into.
Data - The information that should be placed into the field.
Checked (optional) - Specifies that the checkbox is checked. If the word "checked" is not present, the checkbox is not checked.
Checkbox Label - The label that the user sees in the browser.

Syntax example(s)
Display checkboxes using an HTML file
<form action="FMPro" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="db.fp5">
<input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="results.htm">
<input type="checkbox" name="Country" value="F1">France
<input type="checkbox" name="Country" value="G7" checked>Germany
<input type="checkbox" name="Country" value="I4" checked>Iceland
<input type="checkbox" name="Country" value="U2">USA
<input type="submit" name="-New" value="New Record">

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[FMP-ClientAddress] What it does
[FMP-ClientAddress] is replaced with the current client's host name.

If the host name is not available, the client's IP number is provided.

Note Looking up the host name of client can be a lengthy operation; consider using [FMP-ClientIP] if all you want to track is a specific client.

Syntax example(s)
Return current address using an HTML file
Your host address is: [FMP-ClientAddress]

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Your host address is: machineone.company.com

See also

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[FMP-ClientIP] What it does
[FMP-ClientIP] is replaced with the current client's IP address.

Syntax example(s)
Return client's current IP address using an HTML file
Your IP number is: [FMP-ClientIP]

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Your IP number is:

See also

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[FMP-ClientPassword] What it does
[FMP-ClientPassword] is replaced with the current HTTP-authenticated client password.

Syntax example(s)
Return the client password using an HTML file
Your password is: [FMP-ClientPassword]

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Your password is: secret

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[FMP-ClientType] What it does
[FMP-ClientType] is replaced with the current browser client type.

The browser client type, also known as the "user agent", is an arbitrary text string of up to 256 characters sent by the browser in the HTTP request header. The client type can be used in the [FMP-If] tag with the "contains" operator to determine what sort of browser the person accessing your Web site is using.

Syntax example(s)
Return the client type using an HTML file
Your browser type is: [FMP-ClientType]

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Your browser type is: Mozilla/3.01 (Macintosh; I; PPC)

Checking the type of browser in an HTML file
[FMP-If: ClientType .cn. Mozilla/2.0 ]
This page contains JavaScript that will work only on
Netscape 3.0 compatible or better browsers.

Some common browser client types

Browser Browser Client Type (User Agent)
Netscape Navigator 3.0 (Mac PPC) Mozilla/3.0 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
Netscape Navigator 3.0 (Win 95) Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; I)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.1 (Mac PPC) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 2.1; Mac_PowerPC)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 (Win 95) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95)
America Online 3.0 (Mac PPC) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; AOL 3.0; Mac_PowerPC)
America Online 3.0 (Win 95) Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; AOL-IWENG 3.0; Win16)

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[FMP-ClientUserName] What it does
[FMP-ClientUserName] is replaced with the client's user name from HTTP authentication.

Syntax example(s)
Return the client's user name using an HTML file
Your name is: [FMP-ClientUserName]

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Your name is: John

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[FMP-ContentMimeType] What it does
[FMP-ContentMIMEType] is replaced with nothing in the HTML and changes the MIME type returned to the browser.

This tag changes the content type line in the HTTP header to the MIME type specified. The default MIME type for format files return by the FileMaker Pro Web Companion is text/html. Consult RFC 2068, Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 for more information about HTTP header lines and MIME type specification. <http://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc2068.txt>

[FMP-ContentMIMEType: Mime Type ]

First parameter: MIME type.

Syntax example(s)
Change the Content MIME type using an HTML file
Some sample [FMP-ContentMIMEType: text/plain] text.

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Some sample text.

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[FMP-Cookie] What it does
[FMP-Cookie] is replaced with the current value of the specified cookie.

A cookie is saved by the browser; therefore, your user's browser must support this feature. Older browsers may not support this feature.

[FMP-Cookie: CookieName , Encoding ]

First parameter: Name of the cookie to return.

Second parameter (optional): Encoding. Use one of the following reserved words:
Raw - (default) Don't perform any encoding
URL - Perform URL encoding

Syntax example(s)
Return the value of the current cookie using an HTML file
[FMP-If: CurrentCookie:ColorChoice .neq. ""]
Thanks for coming back! The latest products in [FMP-Cookie: ColorChoice]
are listed below.

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Thanks for coming back! The latest products in green
are listed below.

See also

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[FMP-CurrentAction] What it does
[FMP-CurrentAction] is replaced with the name of the current action, such as: find, findall, new, edit, delete, view, or dup.

[FMP-CurrentAction: Encoding ]

First parameter: Encoding. Use one of the following reserved words:
HTML - (default) Perform HTML encoding
Display - Returns the action in the language specified by the Web Companion Configuration

Syntax example(s)
Return the name of the current action using an HTML file
Last action was: [FMP-CurrentAction]

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Last action was: view

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[FMP-CurrentDatabase] What it does
[FMP-CurrentDatabase] is replaced with the name of the database being processed.

[FMP-CurrentDatabase: Encoding ]

First parameter (optional): Encoding. Use one of the following reserved words:
Raw - Don't perform any encoding
URL - Perform URL encoding
HTML - (default) Perform HTML encoding

Syntax example(s)
Returns the name of the current database, using an HTML file
You are viewing the [FMP-CurrentDatabase: HTML] database.

<!-- After processing it could look like:
You are viewing the Contact.fp5 database.

See also

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[FMP-CurrentDate] What it does
[FMP-CurrentDate] is replaced with the current date.

[FMP-CurrentDate: Format ]

First parameter (optional): Format. Use one of the following reserved words:
Short - (default) returns the current date in the OS's definition of a short date (e.g. 3/3/98).
Abbrev - returns the current date in the OS's definition of an abbreviated date (e.g. Tue, Mar 3, 1998).
Long - returns the current date in the OS's definition of a long date (e.g. Tuesday, March 3, 1998).

Syntax example(s)
Returns the current date using an HTML file
Current date is: [FMP-CurrentDate]

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Current date is: 3/3/98

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[FMP-CurrentDay] What it does
[FMP-CurrentDay] is replaced with the name of the current day of the week.

[FMP-CurrentDay: Format ]

First parameter (optional): Format. Use one of the following reserved words:
Short - (default) returns the current day name in the OS's definition of a short day name (e.g. MON).
Long - returns the current day name in the OS's definition of a long day name (e.g. Monday).

Syntax example(s)
Returns the current day using an HTML file
Current day is: [FMP-CurrentDay: Long]

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Current day is: Monday

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[FMP-CurrentError] What it does
[FMP-CurrentError] is replaced with the FileMaker Pro error number from the current action. For information on possible result numbers, search FileMaker's onscreen Help for status functions and then find "Status(CurrentError) function".

Syntax example(s)
Return the current error number using an HTML file
The last operation failed with error number [FMP-CurrentError].

<!-- After processing it could look like:
The last operation failed with error number 500.

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[FMP-CurrentFind] What it does
Repeats the HTML between [FMP-CurrentFind] and [/FMP-CurrentFind] for each find criteria that was part of the request that created this page.

Syntax example(s)
Return information about the current find using an HTML file
Current find request is:
Field: [FMP-FindFieldItem], Op: [FMP-FindOpItem], Value: [FMP-FindValueItem]<br>

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Current find request is:
Field: First Name, Op: begins with, Value: Joe
Field: Last Name, Op: equals, Value: Doe

Other tags that are required

See also
[FMP-FindFieldItem], [FMP-FindOpItem], [FMP-FindValueItem]

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[FMP-CurrentFormat] What it does
[FMP-CurrentFormat] is replaced with the name of the current format file being processed.

[FMP-CurrentFormat: Encoding ]

First parameter (optional): Encoding. Use one of the following reserved words:
Raw - Don't perform any encoding
URL - Perform URL encoding
HTML - (default) Perform HTML encoding

Syntax example(s)
Returns the name of the current format file, using an HTML file
This page was formatted with file: [FMP-CurrentFormat].

<!-- After processing it could look like:
This page was formatted with file: Detail.htm.

See also

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[FMP-CurrentFoundCount] What it does
[FMP-CurrentFoundCount] is replaced with the total number of records in the current found set.

Syntax example(s)
Returns the total number of records in the found set using an HTML file
Record(s) in found set: [FMP-CurrentFoundCount]

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Record(s) in found set: 12

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[FMP-CurrentLayout] What it does
[FMP-CurrentLayout] is replaced with the name of the layout being used to process this page.

[FMP-CurrentLayout: Encoding ]

First parameter (optional): Encoding. Use one of the following reserved words:
Raw - Don't perform any encoding
URL - Perform URL encoding
HTML - (default) Perform HTML encoding

Syntax example(s)
Returns the name of the current layout, using an HTML file
This page was formatted using the layout: [FMP-CurrentLayout].

<!-- After processing it could look like:
This page was formatted using the layout: Detail Layout.

See also

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[FMP-CurrentLOP] What it does
[FMP-CurrentLOP] is replaced with the logical operator used for the current search.

Syntax example(s)
Returns the current logical operator using an HTML file
You just did an "[FMP-CurrentLOP]" style search.

<!-- After processing it could look like:
You just did an "or" style search.

See also

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[FMP-CurrentMax] What it does
[FMP-CurrentMax] is replaced with the maximum number of records that was specified to be displayed on this page. It is the value of the -Max variable that was passed in.

Syntax example(s)
Returns the current -Max value, using an HTML file
Click the button at the bottom of the page
to see the next [FMP-CurrentMax] records.

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Click the button at the bottom of the page
to see the next 10 records.

See also

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[FMP-CurrentModID] What it does
The -ModID tag is an optional tag that can be used with a -Edit action request. The value would be the modification id that has to match the record before the -Edit action can complete successfully and a new error code (306) would be returned if the mod ids did not match. If there is no -Mod tag then the -Edit action would work as it currently does. In addition CurrentRecID and CurrentModID would be added as constants to the FMP-If tag as numeric types.

Syntax example(s)

<!-- Make sure when updating the "country", no one else changed it -->

  <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="-DB" VALUE="contacts.fp5">
  <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="-Format" VALUE="results.htm">
  <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Country">
  <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="-Edit" VALUE="Edit This Record">

See also

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[FMP-CurrentPortalRowNumber] What it does
[FMP-CurrentPortalRowNumber] is replaced with the row number of the current portal being processed.


Syntax example(s)
Returns the name of the current database, using an HTML file

<!-- Add row number in front of each portal row -->
[FMP-CurrentPortalRowNumber]: [FMP-Field:lineitems::name]<br>

<!-- After processing it could look like:
1: Red

See also

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[FMP-CurrentRecordCount] What it does
[FMP-CurrentRecordCount] is replaced with the total number of records in the database.

Syntax example(s)
Returns the total number of records in the database using an HTML file
Total number of records in the database is: [FMP-CurrentRecordCount]

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Total number of records in the database is: 1123

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[FMP-CurrentRecID] What it does
[FMP-CurrentRecID] is replaced with the record key—a number representing the current record.

If [FMP-CurrentRecID] is placed between the [FMP-Record] and [/FMP-Record] tags, [FMP-CurrentRecID] is replaced with the record key of each record in the sequence.

Syntax example(s)
Delete a record using a form action
<form action="FMPro" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="name.fp5">
<input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="results.htm">
<input type="hidden" name="-RecID" value="[FMP-CurrentRecID]">
<input type="submit" name="-Delete" value="Delete This Record">

Display a hit list using [FMP-CurrentRecID] instead of [FMP-LinkRecID]
[FMP-Record]Click <a href=
to view record [FMP-CurrentRecordNumber].<br>

<!-- After processing, the HTML sent to the browser could look like:
Click <a href="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&-Format=rslt.htm&-RecID=1&-Find">here</a>
to view record 1.<br>
Click <a href="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&-Format=rslt.htm&-RecID=4&-Find">here</a>
to view record 2.<br>
Click <a href="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&-Format=rslt.htm&-RecID=10&-Find">here</a>
to view record 3.<br>

See also
-RecID, [FMP-LinkRecID]

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