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FileMaker Pro CDML Reference

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Tag Name Description
[FMP-CurrentRecordNumber] What it does
[FMP-CurrentRecordNumber] is replaced with the record's position in the current found set.

Syntax example(s)
Returns the current record number using an HTML file
Current record in found set: [FMP-CurrentRecordNumber]

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Current record in found set: 3

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[FMP-CurrentRepeatNumber] What it does
[FMP-CurrentRepeatNumber] is replaced with the repetition currently being processed.

Syntax example(s)
Returns the current repetition number using an HTML file

<!-- Add a number in front of each repetition -->
[FMP-Repeating: extensions]
[FMP-CurrentRepeatNumber]: [FMP-RepeatingItem]<br>

<!-- After processing it could look like:
3: Green

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[FMP-CurrentSkip] What it does
[FMP-CurrentSkip] is replaced with the number of records skipped from the beginning of the found set. This is useful as a value to pass to the -Skip tag.

Syntax example(s)
Returns current record with -Skip instead of -RecID using a link
<a href="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&-Format=mdtl.hmt&-Max=1&-Skip=[FMP-CurrentSkip]&-findall">
View more details</a>

See also

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[FMP-CurrentSort] What it does
Repeats the HTML between [FMP-CurrentSort] and [/FMP-CurrentSort] for each sort argument that was part of the request that created this page.

Syntax example(s)
Return information about the current sort using an HTML file
Current sort order is:<br>
Field: [FMP-SortFieldItem], Order: [FMP-SortOrderItem]<br>

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Current sort order is:
Field: First Name, Order: descend
Field: Last Name, Order: descend

Other tags that are required

See also
[FMP-SortFieldItem], [FMP-SortOrderItem]

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[FMP-CurrentTime] What it does
[FMP-CurrentTime] is replaced with the current time.

[FMP-CurrentTime: Format ]

First parameter (optional): Format. Use one of the following reserved words:
Short - (default) returns the current time in the OS's definition of a short time (e.g. 10:12 AM).
Long - returns the current time in the OS's definition of a long time (e.g. 10:12:32 AM).

Syntax example(s)
Returns the current time using an HTML file
Current time is: [FMP-CurrentTime: short]

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Current time is: 10:12 AM

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[FMP-CurrentToken] What it does
[FMP-CurrentToken] is replaced with the value of -Token variable tag used to create the current page.

[FMP-CurrentToken: Encoding ]

First parameter (optional): Encoding. Use one of the following reserved words:
Raw - Don't perform any encoding
URL - Perform URL encoding
HTML - (default) Perform HTML encoding

Syntax example(s)
Returns the current token using an HTML file
Your last reply was [FMP-CurrentToken: HTML].

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Your last reply was sell.
Up to nine tokens can be used by using a slightly different syntax for the
token tags. The variable tag -Token can have an optional token specifier of the form -Token.X
where X can be the characters 0 through 9. If no period follows the -Token keyword then token
one is implied. To retrieve the value of a token the FMP_CurrentToken will accept another
parameter that is a number, of value 0 through 9. If there is no number parameter, but there
is a period, then token zero would be returned. CurrentToken constant for the FMP-If tag
would then have an optional specifier that would look like CurrentToken:3 if you want to
compare the contents of token three to something else.

Example format file snippet:
<!-- Pass the value of token three onto the next request -->
<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME ="-Token.3" VALUE ="[FMP-CurrentToken: 3]">

Tokens can be used on the right side of an FMP-If using the intratag replacement syntax:

[FMP-If: CurrentToken:5.eq.{CurrentToken:6}]
<B>Token 5 equals token 6.</B>

See also

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-DBClose What it does
Closes a database on the FileMaker host machine from a remote browser.

The -DBOpen and -DBClose actions tags would only use the -db variable tag for the name of the database and the partial path before FMPro? in the URL to determine on which database to apply the action. The database administrator will have to have remote administration privileges and the database to be closed must be in the Web folder. A format file is required to be specified in the URL in order for -DBOpen to be processed.
For security reasons, it is important to use the Remote Administration Requires Password option, otherwise users can close your database without an Administrator password.

Syntax example(s)
Close a database with a URL



Other tags that are required
-DB, -format

See also

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-DB What it does
Specifies the database that all processing of the request will refer to.

Value is
Name of the database, including the extension if any. The FileMaker Pro Web Companion uses only the name of the database; do not include any path information. The database must be open in FileMaker Pro.

Syntax example(s)
View a format file using a link
<a href="FMPro?-DB=Names.fp5&-Format=query.htm&-View">Take me to a search page</a>

View a format file using a form action
<form action="FMPro" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="Names.fp5">
<input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="query.htm">
<input type="submit" name="-View" value="View Search Page">

Other tags that are required
Any action tag

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-DBOpen What it does
Opens a database on the FileMaker host machine from a remote browser.

The -DBOpen and -DBClose actions tags only uses the -db variable tag for the name of the database and the partial path before FMPro? in the URL to determine on which database to apply the action. The opening action has the additional parameter -password specifying what password to open the db with. The database administrator must have remote administration privileges . The database must be in the Web folder to be opened remotely. A format file is required to be specified in the URL in order for -DBOpen to be processed.

Syntax example(s)
Open a database with a URL


Other tags that are required
-DB, -format

See also

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-Delete What it does
Deletes the record specified by -RecID.

The -RecID tag indicates which record should be deleted. In order to delete a record, the Web user must have Delete permission for the database.

Syntax example(s)
Delete a record using a link
<a href="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&-Format=rslt.htm&-RecID=4&-Delete">Delete record with ID 4</a>

Delete a record using a form action
<form action="FMPro" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="name.fp5">
<input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="results.htm">
<input type="hidden" name="-RecID" value="[FMP-CurrentRecID]">
<input type="submit" name="-Delete" value="Delete This Record">

Other tags that are required
-DB, -RecID

See also

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-Img What it does
Returns an image specified by -DB, -RecID, and a field name, or specified by -DB and an image key.

A Web user must have Browse permission in order to execute this action.

An image key is a unique specifier to an image that is in a FileMaker Pro database. Use the [FMP-Field] tag to retrieve the image key from a container field.

Images stored in formats other than JPEG or GIF are converted before being sent to a Web user.

Important Usually there is no need to use this tag directly; the [FMP-Image] tag can be used to generate the correct URL for any container field.

Syntax example(s)
Link to a page containing the image
<a href="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&-RecID=11&pictures=&-Img">
Display the picture from record ID 11 and field name "pictures"</a>

Display an image in a page by ID & field
<img src="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&-RecID=[FMP-CurrentRecID]&pictures=&-Img">

Display an image in a page by image key
<img src="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&key=[FMP-Field:pictures,url]&-Img">

Display an image the recommended way
<img src="[FMP-Image:pictures]">

Other tags that are required
-DB, -RecID, field name

See also
[FMP-Image], [FMP-CurrentRecID]

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-Dup What it does
Duplicates the record specified by -RecID.

The -RecID tag indicates which record should be duplicated. To duplicate a record, the Web user must have Create permission for the database.

Syntax example(s)
Duplicate a record using a link
<a href="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&-Format=rslt.htm&-RecID=6&-Dup">Duplicate record with ID 6</a>

Duplicate a record using a form action
<form action="FMPro" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="name.fp5">
<input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="results.htm">
<input type="hidden" name="-RecID" value="[FMP-CurrentRecID]">
<input type="submit" name="-Dup" value="Duplicate This Record">

Other tags that are required
-DB, -RecID, - Format

See also

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-Edit What it does
Updates the record specified by -RecID by populating the fields with the contents of any field name/value pairs.

The -RecID tag indicates which record should be edited. In order to edit a record, the Web user must have Edit permission for the database.

Syntax example(s)
Edit a record using a link
<a href="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&-Format=rslt.htm&-RecID=13&Country=USA&-Edit">
Change the country of record ID 13 to USA</a>

Edit a record using a form action
<form action="FMPro" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="names.fp5">
<input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="results.htm">
<input type="hidden" name="-RecID" value="[FMP-CurrentRecID]">
<input type="text" size=12 name="Country" value="Type a country name here">
<input type="submit" name="-Edit" value="Edit This Record">

Other tags that are required
-DB, -RecID, field name

See also

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[FMP-ElseIf] What it does
[FMP-ElseIf] is replaced with the specified data if the conditions of the [FMP-If] statement are not met.

Syntax example(s)
Generate a greeting unique to the locale of the user
[FMP-If: (Field:country.Eq.us).or.(Field:country.Eq.usa)]
Welcome citizen!
[FMP-ElseIf: Field:country.Eq.texas]
Howdy, Pardner!

Other tags that are required

See also

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-ErrorFmtField What it does
Pulls error format file information from a field in the database instead of an HTML file in the Web folder.

Value is
Field name that contains the HTML which will be used to display the error message.

Syntax example(s)


If the field is a container field the field is empty then the file specified in the -Format command will be used instead.

See also
-Format, -FmtField, -MailFmtField

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-ErrNum What it does
-ErrNum takes either a range of error numbers or an individual error number that triggers the use of the format page specified in the -Error tag. Multiple -ErrNum tag may be used to specify discontinuous ranges. If no -ErrNum exists, then the current behavior is used. Any error not listed in -ErrNum tags will be handled by the default pages inside the Web Companion. Errors related to finding and processing an -Error format page will always be handle with the default pages.

Value is
Number value that you wish to trap for.

Syntax example(s)


Other tags that are required
-Error, -DB, any action tag

See also

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-Error What it does
Specifies the HTML format file to be used to generate a response if any error occurs during the processing of the action.

In the page you specify with this tag, you can test for which error occurred by using the [FMP-If] tag with CurrentError as the first parameter, or you can simply display the error number by using [FMP-CurrentError].

Value is
Path and name to the format file to use to display the error message.

Syntax example(s)
Attempt to create a new record using an HTML file, any error takes you to the failure page
<form action="FMPro" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="names.fp5">
<input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="success.htm">
<input type="hidden" name="-Error" value="failure.htm">
<input type="hidden" name="-RecID" value="[FMP-CurrentRecID]">
<input type="submit" name="-New" value="New Record">

Other tags that are required
-DB, any action tag

See also
-Format, [FMP-CurrentRecID], [FMP-If]

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[FMP-Field] What it does
[FMP-Field] is replaced with the contents of the specified field.

The layout specified by the -Lay tag that was part of the request that created this page must contain the fields to be displayed. Related fields cannot be used if the -Lay tag was not specified.

[FMP-Field: Field name , Encoding ]

First parameter: The name of the field

Second parameter (optional): Encoding. Use one of the following reserved words:
Raw - Don't perform any encoding
URL - Perform URL encoding
HTML - (default) Perform HTML encoding
Break - Perform HTML encoding and replace soft returns with <br>

Syntax example(s)
Create an editable area for field data using an HTML file
First Name: <input type="text" name="First Name" value="[FMP-Field: First Name, Raw]">

Return field data using an HTML file
First Name: [FMP-Field: First Name]

<!-- After processing it could look like:
First Name: John

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Field Name What it does
Field names are used to control find criteria or to upload data to a record. This is not a tag.

Usually the name portion of a name/value pair to be processed by FileMaker Pro is either a CDML action or variable tag. When a value for a specific field needs to be sent to FileMaker Pro, the name portion of the name/value pair is the name of a field in the FileMaker Pro database. Field names used in this manner should not start with the hyphen (-) character or contain any period (.) characters.

Name is
Name of the field in the database.

Value is
For the -New and -Edit tags, the value contains the data to be uploaded into a record. Multiple occurrences of a field allow the data to be put into separate repetitions of a repeating field.

For the -Find tag, the value is a find request on the specified field.

For the -Img tag, the first field name in the URL is the name of the container field to retrieve the image from. The value portion is ignored.

For all other action tags, these name/value pairs are not needed.

Syntax example(s)
Find a record using a link
<a href="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&-Format=rslt.htm&color=red&-Max=1&-Find">Find first red record</a>

Edit a record using a form action
<form action="FMPro" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="names.fp5">
<input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="results.htm">
<input type="hidden" name="-RecID" value="[FMP-CurrentRecID]">
<input type="text" size=12 name="items" value="Enter data for rep one">
<input type="text" size=12 name="items" value="Enter data for rep two">
<input type="submit" name="-New" value="New Record">

Other tags that are required
-DB, any action tag

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[FMP-FieldName] What it does
[FMP-FieldName] is replaced with the name of the current field when this tag is between the [FMP-LayoutFields] and [/FMP-LayoutFields] tags.

[FMP-FieldName: Encoding ]

First parameter (optional): Encoding. Use one of the following reserved words:
Raw - Don't perform any encoding
URL - Perform URL encoding
HTML - (default) Perform HTML encoding

Syntax example(s)
Create a pop-up menu with all the fields on a layout, using an HTML file
<select name="-SortField">
<option value="">-None- [FMP-LayoutFields]
<option>[FMP-FieldName: Raw] [/FMP-LayoutFields]

<!-- After processing, the HTML sent to the browser could look like:
<select name="-SortField">
<option value="">-None-
<option>First Name
<option>Last Name
<option>Employee Number

Other tags that are required
[FMP-LayoutFields], [/FMP-LayoutFields]

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-FindAll What it does
Finds all records and displays them using the specified format file.

A Web user must have Browse permission in order to execute this action. You can improve the perceived performance of your Web database by using the -Max tag to limit the number of records returned.

Syntax example(s)
Find all records using a link
<a href="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&-Format=rslt.htm&-Max=10&-FindAll">
First 10 records in the database</a>

Find all records using a form action
<form action="FMPro" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="names.fp5">
<input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="results.htm">
<input type="hidden" name="-Max" value="all">
<input type="submit" name="-FindAll" value="Find All Records">

Other tags that are required
-DB, -Format

See also
-Max, -Skip

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-FindAny What it does
Performs a find for a single random record. A format file is used to display the record found.

A Web user must have Browse permission in order to execute this action.

Syntax example(s)
Find any one record using a link
<a href="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&-Format=rslt.htm&-FindAny">Return any record in the database</a>

Find any one record using a form action
<form action="FMPro" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="names.fp5">
<input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="results.htm">
<input type="submit" name="-FindAny" value="Pick One!">

Other tags that are required
-DB, -Format

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[FMP-FindFieldItem] What it does
[FMP-FindFieldItem] is replaced with the field name that was part of the find request that created this page.

[FMP-FindFieldItem] must be placed between the [FMP-CurrentFind] and [/FMP-CurrentFind] tags.

[FMP-FindFieldItem: Encoding ]

First parameter (optional): Encoding. Use one of the following reserved words:
Raw - Don't perform any encoding
URL - Perform URL encoding
HTML - (default) Perform HTML encoding

Syntax example(s)
Return the current find criteria using an HTML file
Current find request is:<br>
Field: [FMP-FindFieldItem], Op: [FMP-FindOpItem] Value: [FMP-FindValueItem]<br>

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Current find request is:
Field: First Name, Op: begins with Value: Joe
Field: Last Name, Op: equals Value: Doe

Other tags that are required
[FMP-CurrentFind], [/FMP-CurrentFind]

See also
[FMP-FindOpItem], [FMP-FindValueItem]

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[FMP-FindOpItem] What it does
[FMP-FindOpItem] is replaced with the search operator that was part of the find request that created this page.

[FMP-FindOpItem] must be placed between the [FMP-CurrentFind] and [/FMP-CurrentFind] tags.

[FMP-FindOpItem: Format ]

First parameter (optional): Format. Use one of the following reserved words:
Short - Returns the find operator in short format (i.e: bw, cn, eq, ...)
Long - (default) Returns find operator in long format (i.e. begins with, contains, equals, ...)
Display - Returns the find operator in the language specified by the Web Companion Configuration

Syntax example(s)
Return the current find criteria using an HTML file
Current find request is:<br>
Field: [FMP-FindFieldItem], Op: [FMP-FindOpItem] Value: [FMP-FindValueItem]<br>

<!-- After processing it could look like:
Current find request is:
Field: First Name, Op: begins with Value: Joe
Field: Last Name, Op: equals Value: Doe

Other tags that are required
[FMP-CurrentFind], [/FMP-CurrentFind]

See also
[FMP-FindFieldItem], [FMP-FindValueItem]

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-Find What it does
Submits a search request using defined criteria. A format file is used to display the records found.

A Web user must have Browse permission in order to execute this action. You can improve the perceived performance of your Web database by using the -Max tag to limit the number of records returned.

Syntax example(s)
Find a record using a link
<a href="FMPro?-DB=db.fp5&-Format=rslt.htm&country=USA&-Max=1&-Find">Find first USA record</a>

Find some records using a form action
<form action="FMPro" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="names.fp5">
<input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="results.htm">
<input type="hidden" name="-Max" value="all">
<input type="text" size=12 name="Country" value="USA">
<input type="submit" name="-Find" value="Find Records">

Other tags that are required
-DB, -Format, field name

See also
-Max, -Skip

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